

Great Chess Games title

“Grandmasters play to create Chess masterpieces and to conjure up brilliant combinations that leaves everybody gasping with wonder and admiration. They know where the pieces must be placed to exert the utmost influence, which positions are favorable and try to bring these positions about, and how to obtain a slight advantage and exploit it to the fullest. In short, they know the strategy of winning.” -- Irving Chernev

Great Games

Deep Blue

Mikhail Tal

Carlos Torre

Paul Morphy

Josh Waitzkin

Miguel Najdorf

Bobby Fischer

Boris Spassky

Mark Taimanov

Albert Einstein

Anatoly Karpov

Gary Kasparov

Tigran Petrosian

Aron Nimzovich

Yasser Seirawan

Wilhelm Steinitz

Fabiano Caruana

GM Judit Polgar

Mikhail Botvinnik

Emanuel Lasker

Hal 9000 Computer

Adolf Anderssen

Jose R. Capablanca

Akiba Rubinstein

Kasparov vs. The World

Alexander Alekhine

World Championships

Magnus Carlsen vs. Fabiano Caruana / FIDE World Championship 2018

Magnus Carlsen vs. Sergey Karjakin / FIDE World Championship 2016

Magnus Carlsen vs. Viswanathan Anand / FIDE World Championship 2014

Viswanathan Anand vs. Magnus Carlsen / FIDE World Championship 2013

Viswanathan Anand vs. Boris Gelfand / FIDE World Championship 2012

Viswanathan Anand vs. Veselin Topalov / FIDE World Championship 2010

Viswanathan Anand vs. Vladimir Kramnik / FIDE World Championship 2008

Viswanathan Anand (IND) / FIDE World Championship 09-12 / 09-30, 2007

V. Topalov vs. V. Kramnik / World Chess Championship Match - 2006

Veselin Topalov / FIDE World Championship 09-27 / 10-16, 2005

Kramnik vs. Leko / Classical World Chess Championship - 2004

Kasparov vs. Kramnik / PCA World Chess Championship - 2000

Fischer vs. Spassky / The $5,000,000 Comeback/Rematch - 1992

Fischer vs. Spassky / FIDE World Chess Championship - 1972

Tal vs. Botvinnik / FIDE World Chess Championship - 1960

Capablanca vs. Alekhine / World Chess Championship - 1927

Steinitz vs. Zukertort / First World Chess Championship - 1886

Commented Games

Victor Korchnoi vs. Gary Kasparov / 1982

Judit Polgar vs. Viswanathan Anand / 1999

Jose Capablanca vs. Sawielly Tartakover / 1924

Other Games

Kramnik vs. Deep Fritz / World Chess Challenge Match -  2006

Man vs. Machine: Hydra vs. Michael Adams / 21- 27 June, 2005

Battle of the Sexes: Viswanathan Anand vs. Judit Polgar - 2003

Gary Kasparov vs. X3D Fritz - Nov. 11-18, 2003 (New York, NY)

Kasparov vs. Deep Junior / Jan. 26 - Feb. 07, 2003 (New York)

Vladimir Kramnik vs. Deep Fritz / Oct. 2 - 21 / 2002 (Bahrain)

Gary Kasparov vs. IBM Deep Blue / The Rematch - 1997

My 60 Memorable Games / Bobby Fischer - 1957 / 1967

Paul Charles Morphy Complete: all 415 known games

FIDE World Candidates Tournaments / 1950 - 2016

Tata Steel Chess Tournaments - 2011 to 2018

Linares, Spain Tournaments - 1978 to 2010

Joshua Waitzkin - 165 Games: 1988 / 1996

San Sebastian Super Tournament - 1911

Bobby Fischer - 953 Games: 1955- 1992

Classic Chess: 64 Great Chess Games

2724 Immortal Chess games

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