

Figurine Algebraic Notation title
“This method has mostly been popularized by newspapers”

  An Algebraic notation variation called Figurine Algebraic Notation (or FAN) that uses pictorial representations or symbols to represent the pieces instead of letters. It was first used by Count Robiano in 1846 and was called ‘notation parlante’.

  By changing the letters to small pictures representing the pieces, we can have an international language understood by all Chess players worldwide. This method has mostly been popularized by newspapers and other periodicals in Chess published articles and games.

Figurine piece symbols

wKing12 wQueen12 wRook12 wBishop12 wKnight12 wPawn12
bKing12 bQueen12 bRook12 bBishop12 bKnight12 bPawn12
Figurine notation

  Figurine Algebraic Notation is a widely used variation of algebraic notation which substitutes the letter representing said piece for the symbol of a piece, for example: Knight figurinec6 in place of Nc6.

  Twelve pictorial representations are used, six for the white pieces and six for the black pieces. Most times, Pawns figurines are omitted, e.g.: Pawn figurinee4 is annotated just as e4.

  This type of Algebraic Notation enables moves to be read independent of language since it uses figures (symbols to represent the pieces) instead of letters.

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