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Letter #07 -  2002

Sub:    Comments about your website
Date:   2/9/02 12:28:01 AM  PST
From:  Joan Ramon

I have visited many Chess websites and a wish to extend my very sincere congratulations.

It could be that your page has not an extensive content but is very well specialized as well as being the best Chess page as regards in design.

It is very pleasant to access to it and of course I will recommend it.

Congratulations and keep it up!

A Chess fan,
Joan Ramon

Dear viewer,

We appreciate your comments about our site very much.

For the past 6 months we have been updating our site in an almost daily basis with a special effort on our Chesmayne History of Chess section that we consider is the best available anywhere.

To this date, we still have a lot of material to publish on it and we also need to translate everything in Spanish language.

So because of this work, our “Read our Mail” section, and much more, you will find new Chess related material published in our website very often.

Thank you for visiting us,

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