
index 2003
Letter #11 -  2003

Sub:    Najdorf's Immortal
Date:   3/28/2003 6:36:41 AM MST
Tomasz Lissowski

Dear Sirs,

I'd like to inform you that the game Glucksberg - Najdorf (called Polish Immortal) was played in Warsaw in 1930, and not in 1935.

The event was not the Championship of Poland. It was an off-hand game, or the game played in a minor tournament in Warsaw.

Already in 1930, the score of the game was published by Leon Tuhan-Baranowski in "Dzien Polski" newspaper.

The true story was reported by Dr. Tadeusz Wolsza in "Szachista" monthly (editor: IM A. Filipowicz) in the 1990s.

I suggest you to improve ASAP this painful error on your excellent page.

Tomasz Lissowski
from Varsovia

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Your correction is very much appreciated and it shows to be well documented by your text.

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