
index 2003
Letter #12 -  2003

Sub:    Your site on ours
Date:   3/31/2003 4:25:19 PM MST
From:  Thierry Foissez (France)

I'm happy to inform you that we wrote about your very good site on our in our "Edito" on March 31st, and in our chronicle "Sites recommands", at the top of this main page, as follows:

With our wishes of success,
le directeur, Thierry Foissez.

NOUVEAU: le site du jour, Chess Posters Non, non, non, la vocation de ce site n'est pas de raliser des posters -de joueurs d'checs par exemple-.. bien qu'en cherchant un peu vous y trouverez Bugs Bunny avec les Blancs.

Mais alors quoi? Des tas de choses, justement, ce qui le rend quasi-inclassable: les plus clbres citations ("Ceux qui disent comprendre les checs, ne comprennent rien" -Huebner-, "Aidez vos pices, ainsi elles vous aideront" -Morphy- ...).

Un "le saviez-vous" (par exemple, le plus long temps de rflexion pour un coup: 2h20mn pour le 7me coup d'un GMI brsilien ou la plus longue partie jamais joue -Nikolic/Arsovic Belgrade en 1989, 269 coups.. et nulle- ...), la partie note la plus vieille du monde (X sicle), les plus belles parties de tous les temps (Capablanca, Tal, Morphy, ou l'intgralit du match Fischer-Spassky...),un glossaire...

Un petit logiciel de jeu vous dtendra ensuite aprs les heures de consultation que vous pourrez y passer!

English translation:

NEW: The site of the day, chess-poster.

No, no, no, the intention of this site is not to make posters -of Chess players for example-.. well, while looking for a little bit there, you will find Bugs Bunny playing with the white pieces.

But, then what? Piles of things, exactly, this is what will make you return almost daily: the most famous quotations ("Those who say they understand Chess, understand nothing" -Huebner-, "Help your pieces so they can help you -Morphy- ...).

Also, a "Did you know" section, (for example, the longest thinking time for a move: 2hrs 20min for the 7th move of a Brazilian GMI or the longest game ever played -Nikolic/Arsovic at Belgrade in 1989,...), the oldest game ever recorded (10th century), the most beautiful games of all the times (Capablanca, Tal, Morphy, or the entirety of the match Fischer-Spassky...), a glossary...

A small Chess game software will entertain you for many hours and will make you spend a delightful time!

Dear viewer,

Thank you very much for your e-mail.

We appreciate your article and comments posted on your site!

Thank you for visiting us,

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