
index 2004
Letter #08 -  2004

Sub:    Congratulations on your website
Date:   3/25/2004 10:36:28 AM MST
From:  Alvaro Capriles

Congratulations for your website

You truly deserve a 9.9 score. Is the best website I have seen to date and I believe is the only one that I will log on for a long time, of course I know that later on I will find this same website further updated.

Thank you very much for making this type of page that I have always wanted to find. But one more question: when did you begin making this website? I mean, to regret the wasted time I have spent since you started publishing it without knowing this.

Keep it up and CONGRATULATIONS one more time.

Alvaro Capriles
La Paz, Bolivia but now in Long Beach - New York

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