
index 2004
Letter #05 -  2004

Sub:    Teimour Radjabov
Date:   2/23/2004 11:25:23 AM MST
From:  D.B.


Your page is very interesting and informative. I wonder if you have information about this new Chess prodigy:Teimour Radjabov.

I heard in the news that Radjabov beat Kasparov with black pieces in the Linares 2002 tournament and he was only 15 years old!!

I would love to know if you have the game in your site. It would be formidable to be able to analyze it.

Thank you very much for your help and for your excellent page!

D. B.

Dear viewer,

This particular game was played in the Linares 2003 tournament:

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You may also review it in our page of Great Games in the Linares 2003 Tournaments section.

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