
index 2004
Letter #23 -  2004

Sub:    Thesis on Chess
Date:   10/29/2004 11:08:36 AM MDT
From:  Jair Jaimes


My name is Jair Jaimes.

I am studying the ninth semester in a industrial design degree; the theme of my thesis is the new design of the Chess pieces.

Although I'm in the initial phase, this website has been very useful to build up my work.

I congratulate you for having the best Chess page that I have visited in a long time and I hope that we can be in contact with my collaboration to your website with my new design.

Dear viewer,

We're glad that our site was useful to your project and we wish you the very best.

Feel free to send us any Chess material you create and we will publish it in our website if we consider it suitable.

Thank you for visiting us,

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