
index 2006
Letter #03 -  2006

Sub:    Strategies
Date:   1/26/2006 12:13:08 PM MST
From:  Darnnell Chambers

Greetings Chess Poster,

I am very grateful to have your site up. It has helped my learning curve in Chess dramatically. I enjoy playing against your computer in “Let's Play Chess.”

My question to you is, does this website provide tips and strategies to help your game in the middle and end game?

I've only seen the openings tips.

Thank you for your time.

Dear viewer,

There is plenty of strategy to learn in our Chess problems page with more than a hundred interactive problems. This includes endgame problems, mate in 'x' moves, games from actual Grand Masters, etc.

The beauty of this, is that you have to solve them all against the computer!

The url address is:

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