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Letter #16 -  2010

Sub:    Doubled Pawns
Date:   04/25/10  2:41:22 PM EDT

Greetings to everybody,

Why doubled Pawns are considered bad in a game?

Can a player also end up with triple or quadrupled Pawns position?

Thank you.

Dear viewer,

When two Pawns of the same color are placed on the same file, we use to call them “Doubled Pawns”. This usually happens when a Pawn captures an enemy piece and lands onto a file on which another friendly Pawn resides.

This can be considered a small weakness since both Pawns may lack the ability to defend each other and sometimes makes it more difficult to achieve a breakthrough which could create a passed Pawn that often is a deciding factor in endgames.

Some Chess strategies are based on burdening the opponent with doubled Pawns because of this positional weakness. There are also a number of Openings that accept doubled Pawns in exchange for some prevailing advantage, such as the Two Knights Variation of Alekhine's Defence.

The following game shows a game played between Alexander Alekhine and Vladimir Nenarokov with a quadrupled Pawns position:

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