
index 2010
Letter #03 -  2010

Sub:    Where was Bobby Fischer buried?
Date:   01/20/10  2:23:11 PM EDT
From:  emmaus_492

Any chance you guys know where the great Bobby Fischer final resting place is?

Thank you.

Dear viewer,

On January 17, 2008, Robert James Fischer died from degenerative renal failure in a Reykjavik hospital. He was buried in the small Christian cemetery of Laugardælir church, outside the town of Selfoss, 60 km south-east of Reykjavík on January 21.

In accordance with Bobby Fischer's wishes, no one else was present except Miyoko Watai and Garðar Sverrisson and his family. Magnús Skúlason reported his last words as: "Nothing is as healing as the human touch." (Wikipedia)

Fischer grave

 Grave of Bobby Fischer in Laugardaelir Church Cemetery, Selfoss, Iceland.

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